Adrenal Fatigue Causes Clinical Depression

Depression is the state of diminishing mood and activity aversion leading to loss of interest to a person’s usual activities, withdrawal to society, inability to work, anxiety, loss of appetite, diminishing sleep and concentration, false judgments and self-destruction. Depression is considered a normal reaction of human beings to traumatic experiences such as fatal accidents, loss of loved ones, and failures. Usually, this kind of depression will just subside in time approbatory after about 3-4 weeks as the person eventually learns to accept and forget those traumatic experiences. However, there is another type that stays and becomes chronic which requires medical intervention. This type of depression is known as Clinical depression.

Clinical depression is the severe and pathologic type of depression where the symptoms alleviate and become severe. If left untreated and misdiagnosed, it often results in psychosis and suicidal tendencies. Clinical depression is said to be a complication of certain abnormalities or malfunctions in the body’s system. This type of depression results from a malfunction of the body’s system which led to either hyper secretion or hypo secretion of certain hormones that regulate the mood center of the brain. The most common system that affects the brain is the Adrenal glands.

The adrenal glands are a pair of glands located just above each kidney. It is has two portions, the adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla. The adrenal cortex is responsible for the production of steroids namely the cortisol, corticosteroids and adrenalin. The Adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine. These hormones play an important role which is to regulate the function of other organs in the body including the function of the brain. That is why Adrenal fatigue results to Clinical depression.

Adrenal fatigue, also called Adrenal burnout, has been pointed out as one of the causes of Depression due to the changes of Cortisol and the catecholamine levels in Adrenal fatigue that will cause a significant effect to the function of the brain and other organs in the body. Adrenal fatigue disables the production of cathecolamines. Dopamine is one of the major neurotransmitters of the brain. The low dopamine levels paralyze the activities of the brain causing mood changes like depression. A test was taken from a group of patients suffering from Clinical depression that compares Cortisol levels from the day of admission and the time when the depression is gone. The study showed abnormally low levels of Cortisol in most of the patients during the onset of depression then returned to normal when the patients were cured from it. The explanation for this is that during Adrenal fatigue, the adrenal glands produce less Cortisol. Cortisol is essential for the response to stress inhibiting the hormone responsible for stress in the brain called Serotonin. The absence of Cortisol will lead to susceptibility to emotional stress which leads to depression.

Adrenal fatigue is only one of the many causes of Clinical depression. As the Adrenal glands shutdowns and malfunctions, the different organs in the body including the brain, also suffer malfunction.

Depression is considered as one of the leading causes of death in the world. It is also a leading cause of disability in both men and women around the world. Early diagnosis and proper management of the disease will prevent its tragic outcome.

Dr. Wilson – AdrenalFatigue.Org

Pacific College & Chinese Solution


Probiotics: How It Helps Against Candida

You’ve probably heard a lot of health gurus talked about probiotics all the time. If my assumption is correct, all that you’ve heard them talk about is that all that these microorganisms do is make your stomach feel comfortable. However, there are more to probiotics than they are letting on. For one, probiotics are your main line of defense if you can to be from getting candida,

Candida, also known as yeast infection occurs when there is an overgrowth of fungus that typically comes in the form of Candida albicans. It is a prevalent disease that is cited by the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology to occur in at least one-third of the population. It thrives on moist places such in your mouth, stomach or vagina. Being pregnant, gaining a lot of weight, or having a comprised immune system can possibly put you at risk of having a yeast infection.

However, on most occasions, the overgrowth of candida is triggered by an imbalance of pathogenic and beneficial probiotics in the gut known as dysbiosis. It has been reported by The Journal of Infectious Disease that both in vivo and in vitro studies have shown that use of broad-spectrum antibiotics has a role on increasing your risk of having candida infection.

Much of what this article will focus on is the topic of dysbiosis. In addition, it would cite some reasons on how probiotics can be used to fight of yeast infection. To start with, there are two types of yeast infection that results from dysbiosis. These are systemic candida overgrowth and systemic candida overgrowth.

Types of Overgrowth

When C. albicans overly populate the gut area, the absorption of mineral and vitamins can be impaired; thus increasing the intestinal pH suitable for yeasts to thrive in. If left untreated, it could potentially become systemic.

The penetration of C. albicans on the bloodstream is called systemic candida. It does so with the use of the root-like part of this fungus known as mycelium. When it goes out of the gut-lining into the bloodstream, it spreads throughout the circulatory system and restricts the responses of the immune system. Therefore, graver symptoms could manifest such as sinus congestion, muscle pains, mental confusion and brain fog.

Researches Showing Evidence of Probiotic Benefits

It has been noted by the Clinical Infectious Disease journal of 2006 that a randomized controlled trial on 80 premature infants who have high risk of contracting yeast infection can be protected by receiving probiotics for six consecutive weeks.

In a study published by the Annals of Internal Medicine, it showed that the group of women who consumed yoghurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus for six months has lower levels of recurrence in comparison with the control group. In addition, a randomized controlled trial printed at the Letters in Applied Microbiology concluded that oral administration of both Lactobacillus reuteri and Lactobacillus rhamnosus worked hand in hand to increase the effectiveness of antifungal drug. Furthermore, an article on the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy claims that vaginal introduction of lactobacillus lessens the chance of risk of yeast having an overgrowth again in the future.

As various studies have shown, every strain of lactobacillus causes a differing effect on the restriction and balancing of yeast overgrowths. Thanks to the emerging technology of our world, these strains are already made available as supplements. A few dosage of lactobacillus is available in many manufactured food as well. Just make sure that you check the labels to ensure that the strains included are those that will help neutralize your gut flora. Look at the label as well to see the advised amount of dosage. It contains information regarding the number of colony forming units. As a minimum, a dosage containing ten billion live culture of lactobacillus can reduce your risk of having yeast infection as well as help you have a normal bowel function. I would highly advise you to consult your doctor before taking any medication aside from your daily consumption of yoghurt.

Other Alternatives

Taking up probiotic supplements with saccharomyces boulardii can also treat alleviate your yeast infection up to 90%. It does so by producing compounds that prevent biofilm formation and can inhibit the adherence of candida cells to the intestinal lining. It can also reduce candida in your body by crowding the intestinal wall so that the yeasts can no longer have any binding sites. Saccharomyces boulardii is an acclaimed probiotic treatment specifically for those who have systemic infection. It specifically targets gastrointestinal organs such as the kidney, spleen and liver.

Doctors would usually advise you to initially take two capsules a day during the first week of your treatment. Once your body has adjusted to it, you will be asked to take three capsules until your yeast infection has been cured.

When taking this particular probiotic medication, you might experience feeling worse than what you are experiencing at the moment. When candida cells are being destroyed, it releases around seventy kinds of toxins in your body. However, this side effect is just normal and temporary. I would encourage you to have milk thistle as you take saccharomyces boulardii supplements so that you can lessen any discomfort that you might feel.


Dr Jacob’s material on Candida Diet

Dr. Eric Bakker on Candida Diet and Candida Treatment

Bernhardt H. & Knoke M. 1997. Mycological Aspects of Gastrointestinal Microflora.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 32 Suppl 222: 102-106.

Krause R, Schwab E, Bachhiesl D, et al. 2001. Role of Candida in Antibiotic-associated
Diarrhea. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 184: 1065-1069.

Manzoni P, Mastert M, Leonessa ML, Priolo C, Farina D, Monetti C, Latino MA, Gomirato G. 2006. Supplementation with Lactobacillus casei Subspecies rhamnosus Prevents Enteric Colonisation by Candida Species in Pre-term Neonates: A Randomised Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases 42: 1735-1742.

Hilton E, Isenberg HD, Alperstein P, France K, Borenstein MT. 1992. Ingestion of Yogurt Containing Lactobacillus acidophilus as Prophylaxis for Candidal Vaginitis. Annals of Internal Medicine 116: 353-357.

Martinez R, Franceschini S, Patta M, Quintana SM, Candido RC, Ferreira JC, De Martinis EC, Reid G. 2009. Improved treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis with fluconazole plus probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14. Letters in Applied Microbiology 48: 269-274.

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vulvovaginal candidiasis: a review. Journal of Antimocrobial Chemotherapy 58: 266-272.